Post by metatails on May 12, 2008 15:10:44 GMT -5
*walks in while carrying a two-tone arcade system and slams on the floor* Right then! Our first forum game! The rules are simple; I start a story, and the following person has to continue it. The story is five sentences MAX. Ok.... One day, in the head of the halberd, Meta knight was telling his crew how epic Falcon Punch was. When suddenly...
Saber Knight
Meta Knight
Universal Internet Destroyer
I has a Lightsaber
Posts: 182
Post by Saber Knight on May 12, 2008 15:15:00 GMT -5
....Mario ran in, and began rambling on about how awesome fleas are.
I don't believe in opinions,so therefore anything I say is fact.
Posts: 58
Post by Gaaraknight on May 12, 2008 15:15:45 GMT -5
one day Meta knight was eating a pastry when..... -- Mawd edit: Uhhh, Gaara, ya did it wrong ^^; Your not supposed to start a new story all together, just continue from what the last person said.
Post by metatails on May 12, 2008 15:25:41 GMT -5
Then the fleas came in and started BUTTERING TOAST! Everyone was screaming with joy!
Saber Knight
Meta Knight
Universal Internet Destroyer
I has a Lightsaber
Posts: 182
Post by Saber Knight on May 12, 2008 15:26:34 GMT -5
"OMG!" said Mario, "They're buttering toast!"
Post by metatails on May 12, 2008 15:28:06 GMT -5
Wen Luigi came in a started yelling "LOTSALOTSALOTSALOTSA SPAGHETTI!!!!" When the flies overloaded and exploded because spaghetti wasn't on the menu.
Saber Knight
Meta Knight
Universal Internet Destroyer
I has a Lightsaber
Posts: 182
Post by Saber Knight on May 12, 2008 15:29:13 GMT -5
Mario and Luigi, along with Meta and the others, sued the restaurant for not having any spaghetti.
Post by metatails on May 12, 2008 15:46:40 GMT -5
When Meta exclaimed "Wait....WHEN DID WE GET A RESTURANT INSTALLED!?" Then Bill Gates came in a said "It's over nine thousaaaaaaaaaand times beter!" Then axe sliced Bill in half when...
Saber Knight
Meta Knight
Universal Internet Destroyer
I has a Lightsaber
Posts: 182
Post by Saber Knight on May 12, 2008 17:32:57 GMT -5
Hilarry Clinton walked in and declared America was going to war with itself.
Post by metatails on May 13, 2008 15:34:37 GMT -5
When Obama came in saying "Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan" Then Clinton got all tight lipped, and her lips got so tight, her mouth imploded.
I don't believe in opinions,so therefore anything I say is fact.
Posts: 58
Post by Gaaraknight on May 13, 2008 20:22:06 GMT -5
and then a black hole appeared from her mouth implosion, and it sucked in King Dedede as he screamed"Ima goin ta Florida!"
Waddle Dee
Posts: 37
Post by Akago on May 14, 2008 22:21:07 GMT -5
Then Kirby came in, saw cake on the table, attempted to suck it up, and netualized the suction from the black hole.
I don't believe in opinions,so therefore anything I say is fact.
Posts: 58
Post by Gaaraknight on May 15, 2008 17:50:48 GMT -5
then Luigi popped in and started dancing,bumping kirby into the black hole.
Post by metatails on May 15, 2008 20:04:16 GMT -5
Then the black hole became Dark Mind! Then Dark Mind said "You don't want to know the innuendo in that..." then everyone stared at Dark Mind like "WTF!?!?"